SUHSD Educators Summer Symposium 2024
Attending this event?
Wednesday, July 24

9:30am PDT

Summer Symposium Kick off Event (15 Minute Voluntary Informational Session)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am PDT
Join us to kick off our 9th Annual Summer Professional Learning Event! This short informational welcome will help orient you to the schedule, how to join sessions, sign in for each session, where to find resources, etc. This is a 15 minute voluntary informational session.
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Wednesday July 24, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am PDT

9:45am PDT

The Hub
Wednesday July 24, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, are unable to join a session, have questions about a session or the event, join via this link and someone from our Ed Tech Team will be able to help you out.
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Wednesday July 24, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Getting Started with Edpuzzle
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
Ready to boost learning and engagement with Edpuzzle? In this hands-on session, teachers will learn how to create engaging video lessons, embed assessment questions, and navigate easy to read data in Edpuzzle. This powerful platform is a must have for your EdTech toolkit!

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Edpuzzle (District Licensed)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Listenwise: The Missing Piece of Your Curriculum Puzzle
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
This session will introduce you to Listenwise and illustrate the value of using podcasts to support your English Learners. We'll discuss how to use listening as a lever for accessing grade level content, building all domains of language and literacy, and maximizing student engagement. It's an interactive session with time to plan and explore. Both new teachers and returning teachers who want a refresher are welcome to join.

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn the basics of Listenwise, create their account, and have time to begin to explore the platform. They’ll also learn different ways to integrate Listenwise into their instruction and how they can customize lessons to scaffold for their English Learners.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Listenwise (District Licensed)
avatar for Erica Petersen

Erica Petersen

Director of Customer Success, Listenwise
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Emotion and the Learning Moment (Part 1)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
In Part One this workshop, educators will explore the importance of recognizing and managing emotions in the classroom as a way to reset motivation systems and aid learning. We will cover the basics around emotional dysregulation and its impact on learning and persistence. In Part Two, we will focus on the real world challenges that teachers and students face in the classroom, and we will collaborate to explore effective, compassionate responses.

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn about (and even experience) some of the emotions that come up in the classroom. We will identify how the fear response system interferes with learning in two different ways, and we'll learn how to do some repair and re-attunement to bring learning back on line. We will also learn how to apply these ideas in our own classrooms.

Target Audience: All Educators

Tim Amaral

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Formative: Leveraging Formative for Engaging Lesson Design
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
In this session, we'll explore best practices for integrating Formative into your lesson plans to boost student participation and create interactive activities.

Session Objectives:
Learn the basics fo setting up class, creating assignments, and viewing student work in real time.
Incorporate interactive elements to support student comprehension, boost engagement, and address diverse learning skills.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Google Sheets 101: Spreadsheets don't have to be scary! - A Beginner's Guide
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
"Does the term ""Google Sheets"" raise your blood pressure? Do you get overwhelmed by looking at raw data and trying to figure out how it relates to your teaching practice? This session is for you! We are going to start from the very beginning and teach some basic tricks for organizing spreadsheet data, making things more readable, and making it easier to have data discussions in professional settings. This is a basics session for beginners. Topics covered will include formatting, using filter views, integrating Google Forms, and a few simple functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. Practical examples of use of this data will be provided.
Session Objectives:
Attendees will be able to format their spreadsheets for easy viewing, and they will learn how to filter out extraneous data. They will also get a preview of how professional learning in Google Sheets applications can enhance data discussions.

Target Audience: All Educators"
Digital Tool: Google Sheets (District Licensed)
avatar for Stephen Elliott

Stephen Elliott

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Teacher. Artist. Nerd. Planted and growing in the Salinas Valley
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Student Creations: Digital Posters, Websites, and Videos (Canva & Adobe Express)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
Adobe Express and Canva sites will be explored in the creation of digital posters, websites, and videos. Students can express their creativity and knowledge of content through easy to use creations.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Canva & Adobe Express (District Licensed / Free)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Teaching Scientific Inquiry with Gizmos
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
ExploreLearning’s STEM Cases are interactive case studies that place students in the role of a STEM professional whose task it is to solve a real-world problem. In this workshop, teachers complete a walk- through of a STEM Case and reflect on the role of the teacher during the experience. They will then become oriented to the students results heatmap and learn how to effectively monitor student progress and facilitate student learning throughout the process.

Target Audience: Science Teachers
Digital Tool: Gizmos (District Licensed for all Science teachers)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Level Up Your Lesson with Edpuzzle
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Ready to boost learning and engagement with Edpuzzle? In this hands-on session, teachers will learn how to create engaging video lessons, embed assessment questions, and navigate easy to read data in Edpuzzle. This powerful platform is a must have for your EdTech toolkit!

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool:Edpuzzle (District Licensed)

Bruna Presz

Ed Puzzle
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Office Ergonomics - Work Well, Feel Well!
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Ergonomics includes ways to work efficiently and safely. We'll cover furnishings, products, setting up offices, helpful tech shortcuts, use of mobile devices & supports, pre-shift and recovery exercises. We will reserve time at the end of the session to walk through mobility and self-care techniques that are appropriate for the general population, and we may touch on aspects of our Health Care Plans that support our overall well-being. This will NOT offer any specific medical advice.

Session Objectives:
To increase comfort and productivity while reducing the risk of workplace or personal discomfort associated with desk work & use of electronic devices.
Know: Participants will know the basic principles of office ergonomic set-ups and equipment selection
Able to do: Participants can identify at least 1 primary ergonomic risk factor at their most common work area; they can perform at least 1 preventative exercise/self-care technique to a body region that is at high risk at work
Apply Knowledge: Participants can assess their work stations for the presence of ergonomic factors and select at least 1 change to reduce risk of work-related/personal discomfort

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Upping Your Inclusive Game in the Classroom
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 2:15pm PDT
Exclusionary disciplinary practices have been shown to negatively
impact student and teacher wellbeing, ineffectively change student
unwanted behavior, be a detriment to student academic success,
and prone to racial disproportionality. There is a need for an
alternative to exclusionary discipline system that focuses on
preventative, instructional and sustainable supports to build
positive student social emotional behavioral skills.The ISLA process can be used as an intermediate step prior to more intensive Tier 2 and
3 interventions as well as in conjunction with individualized supports for students with more intensive needs.

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 11:15am - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

AI Module 1: Smart Learning - An Intro to Educational AI Tools (Repeat from January 2024)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
If you were unable to attend the in-person AI Training offered back in January at your school site, join us here to see what you missed! We will be discussing the fundamentals of AI, why to use it, identifying some pros and potential problems with AI, an overview of the district's new AI Guidelines, and looking at some AI tools we can use as educators.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Cultivating Confidence - Goal Setting & Self Assessment
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
For my masters thesis I conducted a quantitative two-group study to determine whether goal setting and self assessment in ELA could impact student self-efficacy among at-risk secondary students, and it DID. Big time! In this session I will share my goal setting mini-unit (can run alongside any curriculum) as well as all the slides and trackers you need to ensure student success. This program increases positive mastery experiences for all students, and increases self-efficacy in those students identified as at-risk due to late language reclassification/acquisition, special education needs, unstable housing environments, drug/alcohol use/possession or incidences of violence on campus.

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Emotion and the Learning Moment (Part 2)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
In Part One this workshop, educators will explore the importance of recognizing and managing emotions in the classroom as a way to reset motivation systems and aid learning. We will cover the basics around emotional dysregulation and its impact on learning and persistence. In Part Two, we will focus on the real world challenges that teachers and students face in the classroom, and we will collaborate to explore effective, compassionate responses.

Target Audience: All Educators
Session Topic: SEL

Tim Amaral

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Quizizz-- New and Improved: More Learning, Competing, and Having Fun
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
The new and improved Quizizz allows you to have student paced formative assessments in a competitive, engaging, and fun way. The teacher can provide immediate feedback to the students about their scores. The teacher will receive detailed reports for every quiz assigned, which can be downloaded as a spreadsheet. This can be used for individual student work or in small groups. Teachers will be able to use formulas, visuals, and short audio while creating quizziz. The student is able to customize their avatar, the more they participate, the more things they can unlock.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Quizizz (District Licensed)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

How to Canva (like all the cool kids)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
"Brief (very brief) overview of Canva templates/tools, and then a deeper dive into advanced features like exporting templates, bulk creating from a CSV file, presentation tools, and more advanced image and text editing features.

Session Objectives:
Attendees will know how to use Canva to perform graphic design tasks quickly and efficiently to create documents, signage, and materials for their classrooms.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Canva"
avatar for Stephen Elliott

Stephen Elliott

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Teacher. Artist. Nerd. Planted and growing in the Salinas Valley
Wednesday July 24, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

AI Module 2: A further look into AI for Education (Repeat from May 2024 in-person PD)
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
If you were unable to attend the in-person AI Training offered in May at your school site, join us here to see what you missed! We will be discussing the current updates in AI, guidelines and suggestions for safe use of AI in education, how AI can support your teacher workflow, and some ways to promote AI Digital Literacy for students.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Chat Mats: Facilitating Meaningful Classroom Discussions
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
In this session, teachers will create content-specific chat mats to engage your students in analytic dialogue. Via peer discussion, students will gain a deeper level of understanding of your chosen topic while using academic language to support their assertions. These chat mats can further assist English language learners to construct complex sentences with evidence in order to more fully confidently participate in conversation on abstract concepts.

Session Objectives:
Teachers will be able to:
1. Create a chat mat on a self-selected, content-relevant topic that includes:
a) Questions with differing DOK levels
b) Subject-specific vocabulary
c) Syntactic elements
2. Employ these chat mats with students to facilitate partner or small group class discussions

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Finding the Game, Not Gamification: Gating the Story
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Ranging from experimental simulations to the biggest AAA games, the most memorable instruction can be found in digital gaming. How do the best and most classic games effectively guide novices by placing "gates" in the narrative? How can this benefit and create persistence for our ESL learners in computer labs? This demonstration will examine this phenomenon and how this can translate into hybrid and remote learning situations.
Description: The demonstration will start by introducing some ways that classic games teach players how to play the game without explicit instruction. This part will show how Super Mario Bros. teaches the player what they need to know in a safe space (the iconic level “World 1-1). Metroid wordlessly teaches ruleset by gating the player before advancing on. The Bioware title Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic does this in a more sophisticated manner by placing gates on the player through the story. This will be described by using a diagram. The presenter will transition by describing the design of a Burlington English language lab that was launched at Salinas Adult School in 2016. Progress of the adult learners is monitored and gated. This made it easier to create individualized instruction in a hybrid flex (not HyFlex) environment. The presenter will explain how surmounting these gates can be inherently rewarding in the same way in video games.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Robert Gomez

Robert Gomez

High School Equivalency Teacher, Salinas Union High School District
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

No, You Don't Have to be a Social Worker: Being a Teacher is Enough
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
We often hear that teachers must wear many hats. And some may say that we need to be social workers if we are going to address our students' social and emotional needs. But this is not the case. In this session, learn several simple steps to help your students grow socially and emotionally as you foster their innate resilience!

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn how to create a mindset that fosters student social emotional development and fosters student resilience without having to create entire new systems of teaching.

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Using Data for Storytelling: How to effectively use the RAD form for SST's
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
This session delves into the significance of teacher data for a Student Success Team (SST). The Request for Additional Data (RAD) form is a crucial tier 3 classroom support that facilitates the development of a comprehensive narrative for each student, aiding in the formulation of effective interventions and support strategies.

Target Audience: All Educators
Wednesday July 24, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Thursday, July 25

9:45am PDT

The Hub
Thursday July 25, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, are unable to join a session, have questions about a session or the event, join via this link and someone from our Ed Tech Team will be able to help you out.
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Thursday July 25, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT

10:00am PDT

AI Module 1: Smart Learning - An Intro to AI in Education (Repeat from January 2024 in-person PD)
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
If you were unable to attend the in-person AI Training offered back in January at your school site, join us here to see what you missed! We will be discussing the fundamentals of AI, why to use it, identifying some pros and potential problems with AI, an overview of the district's new AI Guidelines, and looking at some AI tools we can use as educators.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Level Up Your Lesson with Edpuzzle
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
Ready to boost learning and engagement with Edpuzzle? In this hands-on session, teachers will learn how to create engaging video lessons, embed assessment questions, and navigate easy to read data in Edpuzzle. This powerful platform is a must have for your EdTech toolkit!

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Edpuzzle (District Licensed)

Bruna Presz

Ed Puzzle
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Listenwise: Using Listenwise for Integrated ELD
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
This session dives into how Listenwise can help support your integrated ELD goals, build all language and literacy domains, and help students prep for the ELPAC. We’ll highlight easy and engaging listening activity ideas you can embed into your routines in your content area classrooms. It's an interactive session with time to plan and explore. This session is best for teachers with some experience with Listenwise, but new teachers are welcome to join.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool:Listenwise (District Licensed)
avatar for Erica Petersen

Erica Petersen

Director of Customer Success, Listenwise
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Introduction Into Edgugenuity
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
Every wonder what Contract Academy Learning looks like? SUHSD uses Imagine Learning's Edgenuity Coursware to assist students with Credit Recovery.
This 2 hour session will cover the basic concepts of Edgenuity, how it supports all students, and will compare and contrast this model of learning versus traditional classroom instruction.
We will also going over how to cover for Edgenuity with sub plans.

Target Audience: Unit Recovery Educators
Digital Tool: Edgenuity (District Licensed for Credit Recovery Courses)
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Overcoming the Trauma Barrier: Better learning and behavior in your classroom
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
Recently published data from the California Department of Education says that nearly 1 in 5 of our students have already been exposed to significant trauma during their life. This session will explain how this trauma impacts cognitive function and behavior regulation so that you can reframe the struggle we often have with our students. You will gain some simple tools to overcome these barriers and find greater success and satisfaction in your teaching.

Target Audience: All Educators
Session Topic: SEL
avatar for Matthew Fleming

Matthew Fleming

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Matt has been employed in K-12 education for 28 years; 16 as a classroom teacher and 12 as an administrator. 22 years ago, he became a volunteer grief and trauma counselor and chaplain.  Since then, he has responded to numerous critical incidents and developed expertise in working... Read More →
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Putting it All Together: Jigsawing Your Classroom
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
Piecing together the start of your school year may be challenging! Learn from Steve how you can use the Kami tools to bring it all together with the Jigsaw method and the power of Kami.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Kami (District Licensed)
avatar for Steve Martinez

Steve Martinez

Teacher Success Champion, Teacher, University Supervisor, Kami, Turlock Unified, CSU Stanislaus
Instructor University of San Diego. Matthew Evans, M.Ed with a focus on Educational Technology, authorized Google Education Trainer, is an experienced educator, currently teaching prospective educators how to integrate technology into their curriculum at the University of San Diego... Read More →
Thursday July 25, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

AI Module 2: A Further Look into AI for Education (Repeat from May 2024 in-person PD)
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
If you were unable to attend the in-person AI Training offered in May at your school site, join us here to see what you missed! We will be discussing the current updates in AI, guidelines and suggestions for safe use of AI in education, how AI can support your teacher workflow, and some ways to promote AI Digital Literacy for students.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Differentiation with Edpuzzle
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Identifying and meeting student needs is easy with Edpuzzle! In this hands-on session, teachers will learn how to get the most out of Edpuzzle’s Data Analytics and how to quickly create video lessons to respond to student needs.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Edpuzzle (District Licensed)

Bruna Presz

Ed Puzzle
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Quizizz AI: Plan in Seconds, Not Weekends
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Learn how to plan in seconds, not weekends, while creating and delivering instruction that’s relevant for every student with Quizizz. In this session, you will explore Quizizz AI and Accommodations Profiles to streamline lesson planning, instruction, and assessment, while fostering equitable learning for every student.
Learn how to create customized quizzes and lessons that cater to individual learning styles
Leverage AI to differentiate instruction, streamline assessment creation, and save valuable time.
Utilize Quizizz Accommodations Profiles to ensure technology is accessible and compliant for every learner.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Quizizz (District Licensed)
Thursday July 25, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

1,2,.....breathe!...Overcoming Math Anxiety
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
Come learn how to recharge your classrooms by supporting all learners who may not feel confident with math. It is scary to feel alone or embarrassed when mastering math. Steve will walk you through how to meet your learners where they are by customizing and personalizing learning to increase student outcomes.

Session Objectives:
Teachers will be able to gain Kami strategies with student math anxiety in mind to give students to freedom and choice to make mistakes and reach their meta-cognition to overcome their anxiety of the math classroom.

Kami features covered:
Class View
All Comment Tools
Publish Changes
Multimedia features
Annotation Bank

Target Audience: Math Educators
Digital Tools: Kami (District Licensed)
avatar for Steve Martinez

Steve Martinez

Teacher Success Champion, Teacher, University Supervisor, Kami, Turlock Unified, CSU Stanislaus
Instructor University of San Diego. Matthew Evans, M.Ed with a focus on Educational Technology, authorized Google Education Trainer, is an experienced educator, currently teaching prospective educators how to integrate technology into their curriculum at the University of San Diego... Read More →
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

No, You Don't Have to be a Social Worker: Being a Teacher is Enough
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
We often hear that teachers must wear many hats. And some may say that we need to be social workers if we are going to address our students' social and emotional needs. But this is not the case. In this session, learn several simple steps to help your students grow socially and emotionally as you foster their innate resilience!

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn how to create a mindset that fosters student social emotional development and fosters student resilience without having to create entire new systems of teaching.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Matthew Fleming

Matthew Fleming

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Matt has been employed in K-12 education for 28 years; 16 as a classroom teacher and 12 as an administrator. 22 years ago, he became a volunteer grief and trauma counselor and chaplain.  Since then, he has responded to numerous critical incidents and developed expertise in working... Read More →
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

A Love Letter To Spreadsheets
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
This session is an exploration of the many ways spreadsheet programs like Google Slides, Microsoft Excel, and others like it can be used, along with .csv files, to stremline the collection and presentation of many types of school data from the classroom to office/admin level, making it easier to see patterns and make key decisions. Practical examples will be included as well as some of my favorite spreadsheets I have made over the years.

Session Objectives: Attendees will understand what a spreadsheet is, what it can do, what other programs/devices can interface with a spreadsheet, as well as how to format and apply filtering and formulas to a spreadsheet for maximum readability.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Google Sheets (District Licensed)
avatar for Stephen Elliott

Stephen Elliott

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Teacher. Artist. Nerd. Planted and growing in the Salinas Valley
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Collaborative Learning with Eduprotocols
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
In this session, learn about three collaborative Eduprotocols focused on deeper learning: Frayer a Friend, Cyber Sandwich, and Iron Chef! Through these protocols, we’ll learn how to integrate technology and experience how these activities build classroom community, encourage creative problem-solving, and develop higher-level thinking skills in students.

Session Objectives:
- Learn how Iron Chef, Frayer a Friend, and Cyber Sandwich facilitate teamwork, critical analysis, and knowledge synthesis.
- Learn strategies for integrating technology tools to enhance engagemnt and learning with the Eduprotocols.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Formative: Your FORMATIVE Teaching Years
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
CFA's, Final Exams, Group Sessions, EL/SWD differentiation, substitute lesson plans...Formative has it all. This session will introduce you to what Formative has to offer, and give you the opportunity to explore and create for the upcoming school year.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Formative (District Licensed)
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Introduction to STEM Cases - Gizmos
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
Teaching Scientific Inquiry with Gizmos prepares teachers to use the inquiry process and Gizmos to support the development of deeper student understanding of important science concepts. The instructor models best practices for teaching with Gizmos in science, demonstrating a progression of inquiry that develops students' scientific inquiry skills. Teachers become more skillful in using inquiry methods of instruction, which encourage students to ask questions, make observations, and construct reasonable explanations.

Target Audience: Science Educators
Digital Tools: Gizmos (District Licensed for all Science teachers)
Thursday July 25, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Access Your Accessit
Thursday July 25, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Learn how to navigate the new online library catalog, Accessit. Dashboards for your classes, creating "Quick Lists", putting books on hold, search books from all the libraries in the district, checking your accounting, being able to renew books, and more. Accessit is your one stop shop! Be able to check out audiobooks, eBooks, and connect to the AR quiz without having to go to another site. Prepare students for success in high school and beyond.

Session Objectives:
Attendees will be able to able to find and use the features in Accessit. They will be able to help students when searching for books, audiobooks, eBooks, as well as creating citations for books used. Dashboards can be created in collaboration with the librarian for projects specific to your classes. How to review their account for which books are checked out and the opportunity of renewing books online.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Accessit (District Licensed)
Session Topic: Library Resources
avatar for Stephanie DeYoung

Stephanie DeYoung

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
I am the teacher-librarian at EAHS. I have worked in school libraries for over 16 years. I have my MSLIS from Syracuse University and one of my favorite courses was the Digital Forensic Class taught by the retired FBI Director of the Cyber Crime Team.I love collaborating with others... Read More →
Thursday July 25, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Are You Aware?
Thursday July 25, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Stressed about life? Interested in "Zenning Out," going within and discovering yourself? Or maybe you just need a little break? If you answered yes to any of these questions, step right in, and maybe you'll discover a little something about yourself. This session, is whatever we make of it.

Session Objectives:
With the focus of today's modern world of, "go-go-go," this session is intended to give teachers a space to breathe. A space to "be." A space to discover that there is space in each of our minds. A space that serves as a reminder that you can't take care of the "two," if you don't take care of the "one." What will participants know, be able to do, and apply as a result of attending? Participants can expect to find out a little something about themselves that they may have forgotten, talk strategies that they can to maintain that knowledge, and maybe cause them to view themselves in a different way.

Target Audience: All Educators
Thursday July 25, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Friday, July 26

9:45am PDT

The Hub
Friday July 26, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, are unable to join a session, have questions about a session or the event, join via this link and someone from our Ed Tech Team will be able to help you out.
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Friday July 26, 2024 9:45am - 3:30pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Differentiation with Edpuzzle
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
Ready to unite the dynamic video learning platform, Edpuzzle, with the inclusive pedagogy of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).This session is designed for educators eager to enhance engagement, comprehension, and retention in a diverse classroom. Through hands-on activities, collaborative discussions, and expert guidance, participants will discover how to create rich, customized learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of all students.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Edpuzzle (District Licensed)

Bruna Presz

Ed Puzzle
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Quizizz AI: Plan in Seconds, Not Weekends
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
Learn how to plan in seconds, not weekends, while creating and delivering instruction that’s relevant for every student with Quizizz. In this session, you will explore Quizizz AI and Accommodations Profiles to streamline lesson planning, instruction, and assessment, while fostering equitable learning for every student.
Learn how to create customized quizzes and lessons that cater to individual learning styles
Leverage AI to differentiate instruction, streamline assessment creation, and save valuable time.
Utilize Quizizz Accommodations Profiles to ensure technology is accessible and compliant for every learner.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Quizizz (District Licensed)
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Upping Your Inclusive Game in the Classroom
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT
Exclusionary disciplinary practices have been shown to negatively impact student and teacher wellbeing, ineffectively change student unwanted behavior, be a detriment to student academic success, and prone to racial disproportionality. There is a need for an alternative to exclusionary discipline system that focuses on preventative, instructional and sustainable supports to build positive student social emotional behavioral skills.The ISLA process can be used as an intermediate step prior to more intensive Tier 2 and 3 interventions as well as in conjunction with individualized supports for students with more intensive needs.

Session Objectives:
This session will include a rationale for ISLA within our PBIS Framework, potential benefits for students and staff, and the role we play in inclusion. In addition, we learn ways to build relationships, respond to behavior, and create a classroom inclusive break system.

Target Audience: All Educators
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

Emotion and the Learning Moment (Part 1)
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
In Part One this workshop, educators will explore the importance of recognizing and managing emotions in the classroom as a way to reset motivation systems and aid learning. We will cover the basics around emotional dysregulation and its impact on learning and persistence. In Part Two, we will focus on the real world challenges that teachers and students face in the classroom, and we will collaborate to explore effective, compassionate responses.

Session Objectives:
Participants will learn about (and even experience) some of the emotions that come up in the classroom. We will identify how the fear response system interferes with learning in two
different ways, and we'll learn how to do some repair and re-attunement to bring
learning back on line. We will also learn how to apply these ideas in our own classrooms.

Target Audience: All Educators

Tim Amaral

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Helperbird: The Helpful Little Birdie on the Shoulder of Your Chrome
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
Helperbird is an all-in-one accessibility Chrome Extension that has a wide variety of accessibility tools that support ALL LEARNERS! These tools are especially important for our SWD and ELL, but they support all students and even all staff!
This session will demonstrate several of the main tools to support student learning, accessing content, and meeting a variety of needs for most students, access to support documents and tutorials, and practice using the tools.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Helperbird Chrome Extension (District Licensed)
avatar for Jen Rodgers

Jen Rodgers

District Educational Technology Specialist, Salinas Union High School District
SUHSD Educational Technology SpecialistMonterey Bay CUE Board TreasurerGoogle Certified Educator#MERIT20 FellowHarden STEAMpunk Academy FounderRAFT Teacher FellowLifelong Learner
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

10:00am PDT

Spreadsheet functions: How to make your spreadsheets do ALL the work.
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT
This is an exploration of the vast library of functions embedded within Google Sheets, which can calculate number, arrange information in different formats for all people involved, and connect different groups of data in new ways. Functions do it all for you....but how does it all work?

Session Objectives:
Teachers will be able to use a variety of functions, from simple mathematical to more advance data migration tools, and understand the parts of these formulas in order to study deeper on their own. They will also get a chance to see some practical examples of how spreadsheets have been used to solve data problems in many interesting ways through my experiences at LPMS.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Google Sheets (District Licensed)
avatar for Stephen Elliott

Stephen Elliott

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Teacher. Artist. Nerd. Planted and growing in the Salinas Valley
Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Cultivating Confidence - Goal Setting & Self Assessment
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
For my masters thesis I conducted a quantitative two-group study to determine whether goal setting and self assessment in ELA could impact student self-efficacy among at-risk secondary students, and it DID. Big time! In this session I will share my goal setting mini-unit (can run alongside any curriculum) as well as all the slides and trackers you need to ensure student success. This program increases positive mastery experiences for all students, and increases self-efficacy in those students identified as at-risk due to late language reclassification/acquisition, special education needs, unstable housing environments, drug/alcohol use/possession or incidences of violence on campus.

Session Objectives:
You will understand how individual goal setting paired with self assessment can maximize mastery experiences for your students and thus impact their self-efficacy, AND you will have all the tools and knowledge necessary to implement this mini-unit as an effective intervention.

Target Audience: All Educators
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Integrating Edpuzzle into Instructional Routines and UDL
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Ready to unite the dynamic video learning platform, Edpuzzle, with the inclusive pedagogy of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).This session is designed for educators eager to enhance engagement, comprehension, and retention in a diverse classroom. Through hands-on activities, collaborative discussions, and expert guidance, participants will discover how to create rich, customized learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of all students.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Edpuzzle (District Licensed)

Bruna Presz

Ed Puzzle
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

11:15am PDT

Providing Meaningful Feedback with Screencastify
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT
Timely, actionable feedback is how our students improve. But, how can teachers find the time to make their feedback personal? With video, of course! Join us for a training all about implementing video feedback that's personal, replayable and immediately applicable.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Screencastify (District Licensed)
Friday July 26, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Basic Beginner Padlet
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
This session will cover the fundamentals of using Padlet, which is perfect for new users of the platform.
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Chat Mats: Facilitating Meaningful Classroom Discussions
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
In this session, teachers will create content-specific chat mats to engage your students in analytic dialogue. Via peer discussion, students will gain a deeper level of understanding of your chosen topic while using academic language to support their assertions. These chat mats can further assist English language learners to construct complex sentences with evidence in order to more fully confidently participate in conversation on abstract concepts.

Session Objectives:
Teachers will be able to:
1. Create a chat mat on a self-selected, content-relevant topic that includes:
a) Questions with differing DOK levels
b) Subject-specific vocabulary
c) Syntactic elements
2. Employ these chat mats with students to facilitate partner or small group class discussions

Target Audience: All Educators
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Emotion and the Learning Moment (Part 2)
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT
In Part One this workshop, educators will explore the importance of recognizing and managing emotions in the classroom as a way to reset motivation systems and aid learning. We will cover the basics around emotional dysregulation and its impact on learning and persistence. In Part Two, we will focus on the real world challenges that teachers and students face in the classroom, and we will collaborate to explore effective, compassionate responses.

Session Objectives: Participants will learn about (and even experience) some of the emotions that come up in the classroom. We will identify how the fear response system interferes with learning in two different ways, and we'll learn how to do some repair and re-attunement to bring learning back on line. We will also learn how to apply these ideas in our own classrooms.

Target Audience: All Educators
Session Topic: SEL

Tim Amaral

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Collaborative Learning with Eduprotocols
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
In this session, learn about three collaborative Eduprotocols focused on deeper learning: Frayer a Friend, Cyber Sandwich, and Iron Chef! Through these protocols, we’ll learn how to integrate technology and experience how these activities build classroom community, encourage creative problem-solving, and develop higher-level thinking skills in students.

Session Objectivse:
- Learn how Iron Chef, Frayer a Friend, and Cyber Sandwich facilitate teamwork, critical analysis, and knowledge synthesis.
- Learn strategies for integrating technology tools to enhance engagemnt and learning with the Eduprotocols.

Target Audience: All Educators
avatar for Amber Dodd

Amber Dodd

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
AVID 10 Teacher and Edtech committed to empowering students and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Formative: Your FORMATIVE Teaching Years
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
CFA's, Final Exams, Group Sessions, EL/SWD differentiation, substitute lesson plans...Formative has it all. This session will introduce you to what Formative has to offer, and give you the opportunity to explore and create for the upcoming school year.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: Formative
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Making Educational Videos Made Easy
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
In this session you will learn the basic skills on how to edit a video using WeVideo in Chrome. You will learn both the theory and practice on how to edit all types of videos. We can decide together which video you would like to learn to make including narratives, music videos, screen recording, how to videos and more. Everything you learn how to do on WeVideo can be used on different apps once you learn buttons to push.

Session Objectives:
Participants will be able to edit on their own short 3-5 minute video to be able to breakdown the story by following the 10-Step Editing Process.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tools: WeVideo (Some sites have a small number of licenses available. Free version has many features!)

Scott Rose

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

1:15pm PDT

Overcoming the Trauma Barrier: Better learning and behavior in your classroom
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT
Recently published data from the California Department of Education says that nearly 1 in 5 of our students have already been exposed to significant trauma during their life. This session will explain how this trauma impacts cognitive function and behavior regulation so that you can reframe the struggle we often have with our students. You will gain some simple tools to overcome these barriers and find greater success and satisfaction in your teaching.

Session Objectives:
Participants in this session will:
- Be able to describe how childhood trauma changes the way sensory input is interpreted and used in the brain.
- Learn how to give their students a "home court advantage" in the classroom that will imporove climate and student performance.
- Acquire 5 behaviors and attitudes that will foster resilience and improve student performance and outcomes.

Target Audience: All Educators
Session Topic: SEL
avatar for Matthew Fleming

Matthew Fleming

Teacher/Certificated Staff, Salinas Union High School District
Matt has been employed in K-12 education for 28 years; 16 as a classroom teacher and 12 as an administrator. 22 years ago, he became a volunteer grief and trauma counselor and chaplain.  Since then, he has responded to numerous critical incidents and developed expertise in working... Read More →
Friday July 26, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Advanced Padlet
Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
This session will explore advanced features and best practices, ideal for experienced users looking to get more out of Padlet.
Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Quizizz-- New and Improved: More Learning, Competing, and Having Fun
Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
The new and improved Quizizz allows you to have student paced formative assessments in a competitive, engaging, and fun way. The teacher can provide immediate feedback to the students about their scores. The teacher will receive detailed reports for every quiz assigned, which can be downloaded as a spreadsheet. This can be used for individual student work or in small groups. Teachers will be able to use formulas, visuals, and short audio while creating quizziz. The student is able to customize their avatar, the more they participate, the more things they can unlock.

Target Audience: All Educators
Digital Tool: Quizizz
Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
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